Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging
Community Resources
Together, the Westport Public Schools, parents, caregivers and the community as a whole play a critical role in fostering awareness and understanding of topics related to DEIB. By providing access to some of the materials, resources and training used throughout our schools, we emphasize the importance of continual learning and self-reflection for all members of our community. By holding ourselves to the same standards of growth and understanding as our students, we can effectively support them in navigating topics such as bias, race, diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging in today’s world. Join us in ongoing learning.
5 Keys to Challenging Implicit Bias
7 Cognitive Biases That Parents Need to Know About
A Conversation on Hidden Bias
An Experiment in Catching Social Bias
Causes of Bias: How it Spreads Through Generations
Chipping Away at Implicit Bias
Creating an Anti-bias Learning Environment
Four Tools for Interrupting Implicit Bias